Physical Therapist & Clinical Exercise Physiologist
Physical Therapist & Clinical Exercise Physiologist
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Cool it in the freezer or warm it in the microwave
Cool it in the freezer or warm it in the microwave
Does the whole CopperFreeze™ Cryo Compression™ Sleeve get cold or hot?
Yes! That’s one of the many benefits of the CopperFreeze Cryo Compression Sleeve when compared to other Cold Therapy options. Pro-grade hydrogel throughout means that you get maximum benefit everywhere you need it.
What types of pain does the CopperFreeze™ Cryo Compression™ Sleeve help with?
The CopperFreeze Cryo Compression Sleeve reduces inflammation, improves blood flow & reduces nerve activity, helping with elbow & knee pain, muscle soreness, stiff joints, tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, bursitis, and injury recovery.
Can I get it fast?
Yes! Check out the delivery promise right next to the quantity selection on the product page to see your earliest delivery option.
Is CopperFreeze™ easy to use?
Yes! Copper Compression’s proprietary copper-infused nylon compression fabric has 4-way stretch, meaning that you can easily pull CopperFreeze on and off. What’s more, our pro-grade hydrogel remains totally flexible even when frozen, means you always get 360-degree coverage with no gaps, ensuring enhanced effectiveness.
How cold or hot does CopperFreeze™ get?
CopperFreeze can reach a temperature of 20-degrees Fahrenheit after 2 hours in the freezer. Let’s not try to find out how hot it can get. Use caution and only heat your CopperFreeze until it reaches a soothing warm temperature. Hot is not the goal.
How long does the cold or hot last?
Our pro-grade hydrogel maintains its temperature longer than some other options on the market. How long it stays within your perfect temperature range is going to be determined both by ambient temperature and personal preference. Under standard conditions, CopperFreeze will stay within 20-degrees Fahrenheit of initial temperature for about 20 minutes.
Is CopperFreeze™ safe to put in the microwave
Yes! But since every microwave varies in strength, it’s recommended that you start with just 30 seconds to test, then continue to warm in 10 second increments until your desired temperature is reached.
How should I store CopperFreeze™ when I’m not using it?
CopperFreeze is cold to the touch right out of the bag. It can be stored at room temperature, or if you want to enhance your cold level try keeping it in the refrigerator or freezer. Because of our pro-grade hydrogel, this extra cold will last longer, perfect for relief on the go.
Wherever you choose to keep your CopperFreeze product, it’s important that you ALWAYS keep it in the specially designed storage pouch when not in use. This will ensure maximum lifespan & effectiveness for this product.
What is Cryo Compression™?
Cryo Compression is Copper Compression's proprietary combination of antimicrobial, antiodor, copper-infused nylon compression fabric with a pro-grade hydrogel. This brings the many benefits of both Cold Therapy & compression together in one superior package. It’s an unbeatable 2-in-1 solution.
What are the benefits of Cold Therapy?
According to Johns Hopkins University, the benefits of Cold Therapy include: “It lowers your skin temperature. It reduces the nerve activity. It reduces pain and swelling. Experts believe that cryotherapy can reduce swelling, which is tied to pain. It may also reduce sensitivity to pain. Cryotherapy may be particularly effective when you are managing pain with swelling, especially around a joint or tendon.”
What are the benefits of compression?
Compression is one of the most scientifically-backed pain-relief and recovery methodologies available. Gentle circumferential compression reduces inflammation, improves blood flow, and improves proprioceptory stability. Great for pain relief, injury recovery & improved performance.
Can’t I just use an ice pack?
No! Not only do ice packs make a mess, they get solid when fully frozen, meaning you can never get consistent even cold therapy everywhere that you need it. Do your body a favor and get CopperFreeze.
Does the whole CopperFreeze™ Cryo Compression™ Sleeve get cold or hot?
Yes! That’s one of the many benefits of the CopperFreeze Cryo Compression Sleeve when compared to other Cold Therapy options. Pro-grade hydrogel throughout means that you get maximum benefit everywhere you need it.
What types of pain does the CopperFreeze™ Cryo Compression™ Sleeve help with?
The CopperFreeze Cryo Compression Sleeve reduces inflammation, improves blood flow & reduces nerve activity, helping with elbow & knee pain, muscle soreness, stiff joints, tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, bursitis, and injury recovery.
Can I get it fast?
Yes! Check out the delivery promise right next to the quantity selection on the product page to see your earliest delivery option.
Is CopperFreeze™ easy to use?
Yes! Copper Compression’s proprietary copper-infused nylon compression fabric has 4-way stretch, meaning that you can easily pull CopperFreeze on and off. What’s more, our pro-grade hydrogel remains totally flexible even when frozen, means you always get 360-degree coverage with no gaps, ensuring enhanced effectiveness.
How cold or hot does CopperFreeze™ get?
CopperFreeze can reach a temperature of 20-degrees Fahrenheit after 2 hours in the freezer. Let’s not try to find out how hot it can get. Use caution and only heat your CopperFreeze until it reaches a soothing warm temperature. Hot is not the goal.
How long does the cold or hot last?
Our pro-grade hydrogel maintains its temperature longer than some other options on the market. How long it stays within your perfect temperature range is going to be determined both by ambient temperature and personal preference. Under standard conditions, CopperFreeze will stay within 20-degrees Fahrenheit of initial temperature for about 20 minutes.
Is CopperFreeze™ safe to put in the microwave
Yes! But since every microwave varies in strength, it’s recommended that you start with just 30 seconds to test, then continue to warm in 10 second increments until your desired temperature is reached.
How should I store CopperFreeze™ when I’m not using it?
CopperFreeze is cold to the touch right out of the bag. It can be stored at room temperature, or if you want to enhance your cold level try keeping it in the refrigerator or freezer. Because of our pro-grade hydrogel, this extra cold will last longer, perfect for relief on the go.
Wherever you choose to keep your CopperFreeze product, it’s important that you ALWAYS keep it in the specially designed storage pouch when not in use. This will ensure maximum lifespan & effectiveness for this product.
What is Cryo Compression™?
Cryo Compression is Copper Compression's proprietary combination of antimicrobial, antiodor, copper-infused nylon compression fabric with a pro-grade hydrogel. This brings the many benefits of both Cold Therapy & compression together in one superior package. It’s an unbeatable 2-in-1 solution.
What are the benefits of Cold Therapy?
According to Johns Hopkins University, the benefits of Cold Therapy include: “It lowers your skin temperature. It reduces the nerve activity. It reduces pain and swelling. Experts believe that cryotherapy can reduce swelling, which is tied to pain. It may also reduce sensitivity to pain. Cryotherapy may be particularly effective when you are managing pain with swelling, especially around a joint or tendon.”
What are the benefits of compression?
Compression is one of the most scientifically-backed pain-relief and recovery methodologies available. Gentle circumferential compression reduces inflammation, improves blood flow, and improves proprioceptory stability. Great for pain relief, injury recovery & improved performance.
Can’t I just use an ice pack?
No! Not only do ice packs make a mess, they get solid when fully frozen, meaning you can never get consistent even cold therapy everywhere that you need it. Do your body a favor and get CopperFreeze.