The Scientific Fact Behind a Runner's High
If you have been running for a considerable amount of time, chances are you have heard of the phenomenon called "runner's high." This elusive sensation is often sought after by runners as it is believed to enhance the benefits of their exercise. In this feature article, we will explore the concept of runner's high and delve into the scientific explanations behind its occurrence.
Definition of Runner's High

In simple terms, "runner's high" refers to a state of psychological well-being experienced during prolonged, rhythmic physical activities, such as marathon running. While fatigue and exhaustion are natural outcomes of intense exercise, runner's high is characterized by a collection of positive emotions that enables runners to push themselves further and cover longer distances.
While this sensation of runner's high is often attributed to uplifting feelings, scientific experts have yet to provide a definitive explanation for its effects on the body. However, through various runners' personal accounts, we can gather common threads that highlight elevated mood, reduced pain perception, and decreased anxiety as key elements of the experience.
What Does It Feel Like to Have a Runner's High?
Runners who have experienced this feeling describe it in various ways, making it difficult to provide a single, definitive meaning. Some report the ability to tap into a deep sense of well-being, while others describe it as a state of clear-headedness. Still, others find it to be a powerful burst of motivation, inspiring them to run further. However, what these descriptions have in common is an elevated mood, reduced pain perception, and diminished anxiety.
Chemical Triggers
While it is true that endorphins (the "happy hormones") are released during exercise, the sensation of runner's high can also be attributed to endocannabinoids (ECs) and leptin, a fat hormone.
During prolonged physical activity, both endorphin and endocannabinoid levels are elevated. When combined, these substances produce a calming sensation and increased pain tolerance—characteristics associated with runner's high. A 2015 research paper conducted by German scientific institutes supports these findings.
Additionally, studies conducted in the same year revealed that low levels of leptin, in addition to signaling fullness after eating, also motivate runners to go further.
Maximizing the "Feel-Good" Factor
Experiencing a runner's high is a goal for many runners. Although it is unpredictable when it will occur, you will know you are experiencing it when you feel an increase in pleasant emotions and a decrease in exhaustion.
To further enhance the euphoric feelings, consider wearing appropriate running gear such as Copper Compression leg sleeves. These sleeves provide added support, and their antibacterial properties ensure greater comfort and less itchiness as you conquer the next mile ahead.
By understanding the science behind a runner's high and using the right gear, you can optimize your running experience and embrace the euphoria that comes with it.